Classes summary
CChoiceFormat |
CChoiceFormat is a helper that chooses an appropriate message based on the
specified number value. The candidate messages are given as a string in the
following format: <pre> 'expr1#message1|expr2#message2|expr3#message3'
</pre> where each expression should be a valid PHP expression with
<span class="php-quote">'n'</span> as the only
variable. For example, <span
class="php-quote">'n==1'</span> and <span
class="php-quote">'n%10==2 && n>10'</span> are both
valid expressions. The variable <span
class="php-quote">'n'</span> will take the given number value,
and if an expression evaluates true, the corresponding message will be returned. |
CDateFormatter |
CDateFormatter provides date/time localization functionalities. |
CDbMessageSource |
CDbMessageSource represents a message source that stores translated messages in
database. |
CGettextMessageSource |
CGettextMessageSource represents a message source that is based on GNU Gettext. |
CLocale |
CLocale represents the data relevant to a locale. |
CMessageSource |
CMessageSource is the base class for message translation repository classes. |
CMissingTranslationEvent |
CMissingTranslationEvent represents the parameter for the CMessageSource::onMissingTranslation onMissingTranslation event. |
CNumberFormatter |
CNumberFormatter provides number localization functionalities. |
CPhpMessageSource |
CPhpMessageSource represents a message source that stores translated messages in
PHP scripts. |